Friday, November 7, 2008

This blog sucks lately. I promise I will post something fun and Perfectly Amusing soon... but for now.... I'm a big baby again.

I wish they made a pill for ‘don’t’ take it personally’ or a potion for ‘growing thicker skin’.
I have been composing this post in my head all the way home today. I used a vacation day today and volunteered at a golf tournament on MacDill AFB. The tournament itself was kind of fun although I realize how much I still don’t ‘fit’ with that group of people. When you are just a volunteer you are treated like….well, like a volunteer. Some golfers were very nice and seemed like real people – others, well… I guess that is what makes the world go around.
As I was thinking about this post I realized how much time and effort I would waste on something that really doesn’t matter. But, since this is a form of therapy, I had to put something here….
Back to the volunteer event…. one of the first things I was asked upon arrival (10am) was if I had a problem talking to people because they needed someone to sell pecans (yes, the nuts) and raffle tickets. Of course I can do that and I sold many $8 bags of pecans and $10 sets of raffle tickets to complete strangers.
Then, they decided they needed an additional volunteer to work at one of the par 3 holes. This duo would encourage people to bid on the ‘live auction’ of donated prizes. Even if you aren’t a golfer you may know that it takes a few hours (like five in this case) to golf 18 holes so we were looking at a day on the course.
Well, during the first couple of hours I chatted with this chick also assigned to Hole 3. This section of the course is known for the raccoons that come around and are even brave enough to steal snacks out of your cart.
Around 330pm (the tournament started at 1230) a foursome was talking to us and asked us about the raccoons. We told them that we had seen two on the green but none near the tee.
Then... a statement was made about how much I talk (and had been talking since we arrived at the hole) and that talking kept the raccoons away. WTF
Let’s just say I have enough info about this person to write a bio so I don’t think I was doing all of the talking.
A little while after the too much talking statement (and after her husband had played this hole) she claimed she was hungry and needed to go the WC. She walked to the clubhouse and then called and said she was going to stay there and help with the raffle. Oh yeah, and that she had left her sweater in the cart and would I bring it. Again, WTF
As soon as the last foursome played (around 5pm)I headed to the clubhouse, gave them back their shirt, hat, and name tag and got out of there.
I am social but the more I go out in public the more I want to stay home with Elsie. Maybe I’m just getting old and cranky and need to stay home. I guess if I just typed all this I probably do talk too much. LMFAO

1 comment:

  1. Sounds to me like you want everyone to be nice and behave. Let's get a grip here girl. There are some bad actors in the world not just on the golf course. You know that so it should not be a surprise!!!!!!!

    I spent almost my entire summer on the golf course volunteering for The First Tee Program. I met great people, some not so great, and an 8 year old with cystic fibrosis who I will never forget.

    There are all kinds of folks no matter where you go. Keep your head up and keep moving forward. End of sermon.
