Monday, November 16, 2009

Robert Johnson . . . Some say he is the King of the Delta Blues Singers

Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil and was poisoned to death. He has three grave sites. This is the smallest and was the most difficult for me to find. The church next to this graveyard was occupied but there were no windows facing the graves. One grave stands out with an official Blues Trail marker at the Little Zion MB church.

I thought I might arrive during services but they hold them only every third Sunday. I was sad to see the sign on the ground. Too bad someone can't fix it.

This is the view as you turn to the left of the church/sign. My reference said his grave was under a large pecan tree. At any rate, I walked around a bit and found various things in this graveyard and eventually found his headstone. 27 years old.

There were a few items on this headstone left by travelers. Imitation Elsie and I just took a few pics and left no tokens. The third headstone is much larger and is also in an active church graveyard. If you are a regular blog reader you will remember my post about MS Dogs. Well, if you look real close at the cars towards the center of the pic you can see the mama dog who appears in my previous post.
His songs have been covered and re-covered. A true-blue Blues Legend.

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