Monday, July 28, 2008

Holy Florescence,Batman

This plant is known as the Bat Flower. I was lucky to have one given to me a few months ago. It was in a huge pot so I divided it and made two. As with most unique flowering plants, it is not really grown for the beauty of the leaves, etc. If you want to know the official stuph about this plant:
I love it! And, it's my favorite color.

Someone recently asked me what type of camera I use... well, it is a pocket sized Olympus Stylus 1010. I've always used Canon Digital Elphs in the past but this spring while shopping for a camera for the parental units I discovered this little gem. I haven't used the Canon much lately. All videos on the blog so far were also shot with this camera. Oh yeah, it comes in black too! I'm sure that is what caught my eye intially. Then, when I tried the zoom, etc. I was sold.

1 comment:

  1. "Will that flower in my office?" Dissertation David
