If you access
www.hcplc.org today, you will see the image below. Yes, the county offices are closed- apparently due to budget cuts. I don't remember my taxes being lowered but maybe I missed something. All I wanted to do was check the status of the books I have on hold at the library. I guess the webmaster has to have the day off as well.
It would seem sensible that employees are not getting paid for today, correct?
Or, are the offices closed just to cut down on A/C and other utility bills?
OH YEAH - ya know, Halloween is HUGE around here. I mean, I've seen more witches, spider webs, orange hefty bags stuffed with who-knows-what, mini lights, etc. than ever. Maybe Hillsborough County is attempting to make this a holiday...

The news just reported that emergency personnel, fire fighters, and trash picker-uppers don't hae the day off.