Not the best video. I had to shoot through the screen. Also, the yard is a mess. I'll take some nice pics of the yard this weekend. It is looking much better - altho sparse. In a couple of months things will be looking real good.
Yes, those are wine bottles I'm using as a border. I've been collecting them for almost five years now. It takes A LOT of wine bottles to go just a few feet!
Yes, those are surfboards on the fence. One just fell the other day. I think I'm gonna screw then right to the damn fence. No one can seem to figure out a good way to keep them hanging. Rope, wire, plastic coated stuff, etc. Eventually the boards fall, one at a time. I think some good ol' drywall screws will do the trick.
Yes, that is a tiki head carved from a palm tree trunk. I was told that locals used to carve those and sell them to the tourists around Florida. Maybe in the 50's or 60's? I picked that up at an estate sale years ago for a couple of bucks. It is completely hollow now and falls over all the time. I'm gonna have My Friend Gary put a post in the ground and then put the tiki over the top. Clever huh. Maybe you can't see the tiki thingy in this video. I post a pic of it later.
Yes, those are big pieces of oak in the back garden. They are from the big oak that used to be in my front yard. The third of four hurricanes sent it crashing to the yard the first year I lived here. I had the guys roll those chunks out back as yard art, memories, whatever. The big woodpeckers have almost destroyed them but it has been fun watching those birds work their way around the stumps looking for bugs. Actually, I read that they poke (drill!!??!!) the holes in hopes that bugs will go in there and then they come back later and eat the bugs. I need to research that more later.
Yes, that is NO GRASS in my yard. I refuse to waste water on stuff that is not native to the sunshine state. I'm going to spraying some Round Up on those weeds this weekend because My Friend Gary will be installing a wood deck over most of that grass-less, weed-full, area.

Two more pics for tonight and then I am done. This is Zoe, Elsie's kitten. She is a very pretty girl with some very sharp claws. She's become an outdoor kitty - well, 99% outdoor. She likes it outside. When she's not outside she is either sleeping in the backseat of the Volvo or on the floorboard of the Miata.