Well, I just finished speaking with a member of our Sheriff's department. About an hour ago I noticed three patrol cars, one undercover car, and one canine unit parked in front of my house.
Here are the details:
1. Man tries to enter a home up the street and someone is in the house. I'm not sure if he knocked on the front door or not but he attempted entry in the back. The doors were all locked and then he ran when he saw someone.
2. Man knocks on my neighbor's door and she doesn't answer because she doesn't want to be bothered.
3. Man enters neighbor's home through open slider door. The screen room door was unlocked so he walked in and then walked into the back of the house.
4. Neighbor confronts the tall, slender, white male with shaved head wearing a black hoodie and he runs out the door he just entered.
5. Cops arrive and investigate. They find nothing.
6. Cops tell me that last week the robbers were successful on my street. They entered thru the back door of an unoccupied home. As soon as they determine no one is home, they kick in the back door. The scumbags have their partners-in-crime waiting somewhere near with a vehicle and then they put as much stuff as they can in the car and leave.
So, this happens everywhere, right? I live in what I thought was a nice, quiet neighborhood. The homes are older, there aren't a lot of kids. Folks are out and about.
I'm home all day with the 3 pound dog. I am known for leaving the sliders open for fresh air and easy cat entry/exit.
I'm freaking out now. I know no one will be back in this neighborhood today... but what about Monday?
I've decided that when/if someone knocks on my front door I'm just going to shout out 'not interested. go away' It seems that when someone is home, they leave.
I'm also going to continue to be very aware of cars that drive up and down the street. I'm not so sure what I'll do about my walks with and without Elsie. I don't want to be a prisoner in my home again.
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http://www.projectopus.com/node/3307Love Fred!