Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
It's all about finding the right tree
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Greyhound Love

Ideas for the inside of this one?
obligatory: http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com
Monogram cards make a great gift for anyone. Low cost, custom, beautfiul. Check us out.
Supposed to be at a party tonight....
A very cool 60's cocktail party. However, I put on the dress (yes I bought a dress) and looked in the mirror....WTH... WTH was I thinking? There is no effing way I'm walking out the door in that dress. So, now I have a plate full of snacky cakes and a dress (still has the tag on it thank goodness) and here I am making cards. .... No, I will NOT post pics of me in the dress. No how No Way. Now, back to cards.............
Walking the grey
Stamps by My Favorite Things.
Now, the question is.... what kind of card is this???? what should be on the inside? Should I color the grey? It actually looks more like an IG doesn't it. Oh well........

Now, the question is.... what kind of card is this???? what should be on the inside? Should I color the grey? It actually looks more like an IG doesn't it. Oh well........

Don't forget http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com
Another Grey
Love this one too! The base is black - of course, right - stamp by The Voyagers. Ribbon from M's - that $2 roll stuff. Is the blue gross? Should it be another color? Again, I don't know what to put inside this one but I think I'll make it a sympathy card.
I found a quote by Will Rogers I like:
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."
My sentiments exactly.

Don't forget to check out http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com/
Do I sound like a broken record? Get used to it. I'm plugging that blog everywhere I can. The zoo needs food.
I found a quote by Will Rogers I like:
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."
My sentiments exactly.

Don't forget to check out http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com/
Do I sound like a broken record? Get used to it. I'm plugging that blog everywhere I can. The zoo needs food.
Going Grey
So how cute is this?? I can't decide what to put inside... is this a birthday card? Is it a have a nice day card? what is it besides cute. This card is 5" square and the background is kinda the color of a brown grocery bag. Greyhound stamp by Hanna, woof and arf by Picture Show Stamps. Should I color the pooches? I kinda like them as is.

Don't forget to get your holiday gift order in at http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com
We are taking orders for all sorts of cards, mini albums, and even some invitations. Everything is customized to YOU or your gift recipient.
Thanks for your support. The zoo needs more food.

Don't forget to get your holiday gift order in at http://wearefullofscrap.blogspot.com
We are taking orders for all sorts of cards, mini albums, and even some invitations. Everything is customized to YOU or your gift recipient.
Thanks for your support. The zoo needs more food.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
a few new cards I've created

Monday, October 20, 2008
the boys did it!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Cat Testing 1, 2, 3... Cat Testing 1, 2, 3
NOTE: No animals were harmed today! http://www.great-greyhound.org/
Then they would check the tattoo with the stats on the list. Next, the dog was walked over to where we were sitting.
Daisy has always been a great boxer. She let it really show today. She did a great job and didn't really seem that stressed. I kept petting her and she wasn't losing lots of hair like animals usually do when upset. In fact, she would purr sometimes too.
...and another one....
.... back off buddy....
OMG what is that headed my way??
Whoa - that one caught me off guard too! I have to admit it was kinda funny but I wouldn't advise doing this with a clawed cat.
Put up your dukes.
Liz and one of the many who were tested by Daisy. Some of them were so scared of her they wouldn't even look at her.
I don't think this one came up to me at all. Would you if you saw that thing hissing at you???
Is this done yet? May I PLEASE go home now.
This one was curious but not aggressive. Dogs are rated as NO, YES, and other comments like 'supervision', etc. Most of the dogs today were ok to go to a home with a cat or other small animal. Some earned big fat NOs on their notes but that's ok. Not all homes have small pets.
All dogs were fully muzzled and on leash. In this instance the dog wouldn't come near us so I held Daisy out towards the dog. This dog is OK to go to a home with small pets. It was terrified of Daisy.
This one we weren't too sure about so I put Daisy down and the dog ignored her.
Yippee! Whew! Time to go home.
An important step of placing a greyhound into an adoptive home is first fostering it to start the acclimation to normal routines. One part of a normal routine might be dealing with another family pet.
So, before a dog is place in a foster home there are many things that happen - one is the 'cat test'. Basically you show the dog and cat and see how he/she reacts. Many items are noted such as salivating, tail wagging, chomping in the muzzle, etc.
The local cat tester is out of town so I was asked if I would help test a group of greys that need to get into foster homes ASAP. Liz noticed that when Dice arrived my cats hissed and reacted in some manner that she felt would make them cat testers. Or, maybe she just needed a cat because the cat tester is out of town.... ha ha either way, I agreed to try it out with two of my felines. Zoe is the youngest of my pack and is fully clawed while Daisy's age is undetermined because she was dropped at a no-kill shelter when her owner passed and no info was given. I was going to take both and switch them, give them a rest, etc. However, I decided to take only Daisy because she has no front claws and I think she is down to one tooth. She is also the best tempered of the three. I considered taking Abbey just to see if maybe that would throw her into cardiac arrest but I just couldn't do it. Her time is near and if you know her history lately you completely understand why HER TIME IS NEAR. I will need lots of support soon because the day is getting close.
Anyhoo, back to the cat testing.....
I put Daisy in an old harness I have -she wouldn't fit in Elsie's harness and then I put her in the princess carrier. Elsie went into orbit when she realized that the CAT was going OUT and she had to stay home.
Jimmy went with me as the official photographer and I also thought he'd like to see the grey 'farm'.
The 'farm' is an actual breeding farm. They greys in all stages - even cute puppies. They bring dogs in and out and when they are done racing they work with local adoption agencies to place all dogs. It was very sad for me but I know the conditions are much better than they were just a few short years ago. There are many farms just a few miles from my home and they are monitored regularly.
We arrived and eventually they started bringing the dogs out. First they walked them a little behind the building.

Daisy tested over 25 dogs. I'm not sure of the grand total and we were there approximately an hour. She did a great job and I will do this again for the greyhound group if they need me. The kennel is full of dogs and they need to get into foster homes ASAP so that more retirees can start the fostering/adoption process.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
EPCOT Food and Wine Event and Disney Animal Kingdom with the Egal Family
Friday morning we headed to Orlando for a couple of days of fun. Here are the three kids in the backseat enjoying the ride.

Ronan loves popcorn.
We started off at EPCOT for the annual Food and Wine event. If you've never been you have to go at least once so you can eat and drink your way around the world. They have tapas style food from about 30 countries paired with a wine, beer, or other drink.... and you just eat and drink. yum That's Riley at one of the many KidCot stations throughout the park. After this we headed to the Nemo ride and Ronan had a blast watching the fish, turtles, dolphin, and sharks in the huge aquarium while Ryan and Maria went back to ride 'Soarin'.
3/4 of the Egal family on the Nemo ride. the other 1/4 was with me in the adjoining clam.
Here is a shot of that crazy Egal family before we were scared 1/2 to death at the Honey I Shrunk the Audience movie. We spent most of the day at the park and then went back to the hotel for a nap and a little relaxation. It was a nice break and we were able to get back to EPCOT for dinner (more tapas and drinks) and entertainment. Just before this picture Riley impressed all of us by participating in the Soarin' ride with her parents while I took Ronan to the Circle of Life movie (twice). He loved it and I had fun shouting out the animal names with him in the theatre. There were less than 10 people at the show both times and we really didn't bother anyone. Riley enjoyed the 'boat ride thru the garden' much more than Soarin' and her reward for experimenting with a new ride was a second trip 'thru the garden'. She has decided that she does indeed have a green thumb.
Back at the hotel Riley was hamming it up with my USF hat. We stayed at the Shades of Green resort that is for the military. They allowed me to tag along. We had two rooms with connecting doors so Riley and I had one room while Ryan, Maria, and Ronan shared the second. We stayed up late playing with the 'frog' and slept in a little. EPCOT stayed open 'til midnight and we stayed until around 11pm I believe.
This is Maria just before she peed her pants on the Yeti ride in Animal Kingdom. Riley decided on this park for our second day and what a great decision. We started out with breakfast at the Rainforest Cafe and then headed inside. Since there was a short wait for the big coaster Ryan graciously told us chicks to go and ride. He and Maria rode together later in the day. I'm told that the ears are still ringing from the screams of Maria...
There's that crazy Egal family again with those silly glasses! This was just before the 3-d bug movie that put Riley over the edge....threw her into orbit....yes, she cried. It was scary. I didn't really like it either but I survived.
My first and only pic with a Disney character! If you ride the train to the back of the park you get off at a station that is very kid friendly.
Ronan loved the goat/sheep petting area. He could have stayed there all day. Riley was hesitant at first but after sitting with me on the bench a couple of minutes she said she would brush the goats if I would brush the goats too. Of course I'd brush the goats! Isn't she adorable?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Yes, I am full of scrap
You know what I mean! Check out the latest and greatest on the blog above. We are busy crafting and creating custom gifts.
What can we make for YOU?
Thanks for your support.
You know what I mean! Check out the latest and greatest on the blog above. We are busy crafting and creating custom gifts.
What can we make for YOU?
Thanks for your support.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ace is the word, is the word, is the word, the word, the word, word, word
Oops, it's GREASE is the word! I had the opportunity to see Grease tonight in NYC. I took advantage of my student status and purchased my ticket for 36.50. Woo Hoo!
The venue is small and there isn't a bad seat in the house. I think it holds about 1500 people. The levels are 'stacked' vs rows of seats going and going. I was in the third row, above the floor seats. The were about maybe 5 rows in my section and then about 15 or so behind them. If you've ever been to the historic Tampa Theatre, the seating is similar except the upper mezz begins much closer to the front.
Anyhoo, there are lots of tickets for all shows and the 1/2 price booth is a great option. Rush and SRO tickets are available for most shows and for less than 25 each. I'm going to try to go to a show the next two nights... I'm exhausted now so we'll see....
I was able to get a few pics and videos. I know, I know 'no pictures or recording devices of any type' WELL, towards the end of the show everyone started snapping away. I'm a lemming so I followed.... I'm glad I did! Now if I only had some video editing software..................... more text to follow. I'm tired, it's 3am....
I'm not sure these are in the correct order. I'll check that tomorrow.
Before the show, at the stage door. The stage door is about 20 feet west of the box office and entry doors. It is unlocked, people come and go, and if you want to know if someone is there, just open it and ask the person standing there! Ace finally arrived around 630 I think. It seemed kinda late since the show was supposed to start at 7pm. He didn't remember me but that's ok. I can't imagine him remembering anyone after seeing how many people love and follow him He took a couple of pics of us with my camera - those lovely self portraits. He said 'I have long arms, I'll take the pics!' No one was around to offer. Well, those pics were both very blurry and were deleted. I knew I'd get another chance after the show to see him and have a photo op.
He said he was hungry and was going to get some pie. I watched the street and when I saw him walking back towards the theatre I shot this video:
He thought I was snapping pics, hence the pause at the end. Anyone know how to extract photos from this video?
I waited around until 755 for Olivia Newton John to appear. I finally went inside to my seat and my feet thanked me.
On with the show. It was wonderful Colorful, happy, funny, all the best adjectives you can imagine.
These videos were taken at the end of the show. If you go and want some pics, be ready with the camera during the last number. Everyone starts snapping away.

Of course I loved the band. I guess they call it an Orchestra on broadway. The drummer was theatrical in his movements and the huge red mohawk was the icing on the cake.
ONJ was there to promote a give away she is promoting with Shape Fitness Centers.
After the show many fans gathered at the stage door again. This time there are removable fence sections all around to keep us away from the exit. Many of the performers just walk out - wave - or smile and keep going to their waiting ride. Some stop and take 1-2 pics and sign a few autographs. They don't stay long.
Just seconds before Olivia Newton John came out the 'real' paps and newscasters started aiming their cameras at the door. They must have ESPN or something.
This is ONJ coming out the door - she's waving. she had LOTS of fans there who were disappointed I bet. she could have AT THE VERY LEAST just stood there for 15-30 seconds and let us get a pic of her.
Cropped version of pic.
Cropped version of pic. He had more fans waiting than the two top billed stars. He is third on the bill.
The young lady in the left of this picture is a huge Grease fan. Not just Ace, all of them. Her father and younger sister were there getting autographs and pictures. The cast (the ones who stopped!) remembered her because the last time she was there she was dressed as Rizzo. Rizzo Jr's dad took the pic for me.
Cropped version of pic. Thanks Joni.
The venue is small and there isn't a bad seat in the house. I think it holds about 1500 people. The levels are 'stacked' vs rows of seats going and going. I was in the third row, above the floor seats. The were about maybe 5 rows in my section and then about 15 or so behind them. If you've ever been to the historic Tampa Theatre, the seating is similar except the upper mezz begins much closer to the front.
Anyhoo, there are lots of tickets for all shows and the 1/2 price booth is a great option. Rush and SRO tickets are available for most shows and for less than 25 each. I'm going to try to go to a show the next two nights... I'm exhausted now so we'll see....
I was able to get a few pics and videos. I know, I know 'no pictures or recording devices of any type' WELL, towards the end of the show everyone started snapping away. I'm a lemming so I followed.... I'm glad I did! Now if I only had some video editing software..................... more text to follow. I'm tired, it's 3am....
I'm not sure these are in the correct order. I'll check that tomorrow.
Before the show, at the stage door. The stage door is about 20 feet west of the box office and entry doors. It is unlocked, people come and go, and if you want to know if someone is there, just open it and ask the person standing there! Ace finally arrived around 630 I think. It seemed kinda late since the show was supposed to start at 7pm. He didn't remember me but that's ok. I can't imagine him remembering anyone after seeing how many people love and follow him He took a couple of pics of us with my camera - those lovely self portraits. He said 'I have long arms, I'll take the pics!' No one was around to offer. Well, those pics were both very blurry and were deleted. I knew I'd get another chance after the show to see him and have a photo op.
He said he was hungry and was going to get some pie. I watched the street and when I saw him walking back towards the theatre I shot this video:
He thought I was snapping pics, hence the pause at the end. Anyone know how to extract photos from this video?
I waited around until 755 for Olivia Newton John to appear. I finally went inside to my seat and my feet thanked me.
On with the show. It was wonderful Colorful, happy, funny, all the best adjectives you can imagine.
These videos were taken at the end of the show. If you go and want some pics, be ready with the camera during the last number. Everyone starts snapping away.

Of course I loved the band. I guess they call it an Orchestra on broadway. The drummer was theatrical in his movements and the huge red mohawk was the icing on the cake.
ONJ was there to promote a give away she is promoting with Shape Fitness Centers.
After the show many fans gathered at the stage door again. This time there are removable fence sections all around to keep us away from the exit. Many of the performers just walk out - wave - or smile and keep going to their waiting ride. Some stop and take 1-2 pics and sign a few autographs. They don't stay long.
Just seconds before Olivia Newton John came out the 'real' paps and newscasters started aiming their cameras at the door. They must have ESPN or something.

This is ONJ coming out the door - she's waving. she had LOTS of fans there who were disappointed I bet. she could have AT THE VERY LEAST just stood there for 15-30 seconds and let us get a pic of her.

She literally breezed out the doorand when she got to the street - the crowd around me disappeared. At least 2/3 of the people ran down the street following ONJ. It was great because Ace came out next and there were no more boneheads all around me!
When Ace started coming out the door I just started snapping because I wasn't sure he would come over or not. He is such a cutie. Not to give away anything about the show but you can tell this guy is at the gym on a regular basis. Go Greased Lightning Go!

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