While in LA.... Tawni and I ate lots of fun food. Lyndon (Tawni's DH) does not really like ethnic food so since he was out of town we took full advantage of finding different places to eat. The one evening he was home we met him at the Outback. Not some cool specialty Aussie restaurant, I'm talking the Outback Steakhouse, no rules, just right. I do love the chopped blue cheese salad there - Yum.
BUT.... the last day of my summer vacation we headed to Hollywood to get me drunk and get pierced. HA HA - - well, that is kinda what happened. We went to lunch at an Ethiopian restaurant. I'm not a fish eater but was convinced that I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the fish.
This is what we were served:

No mistaking it... that is a fish on the plate. It is a trout. It was very good. The waitress was correct. I didn't eat a lot - just a few bites - I have to ease into this fish eating phase of my life.... But, it was yummy.

This is the 'bread' served with the food. It is just as spongey as it looks. It is very thin. To eat, you rip pieces of the bread and scoop or grab the food with the bread. No utensils. Well, we did get a spoon with some soup we ordered.
I also sampled two versions of Honey Wine. It was very good as well and set the stage for the next event..... you already know what happened later in the day.

That is beef in the center with all sorts of veggies around the edge. It took a very long time to get our food. I think we were in the restaurant about 90 minutes and it wasn't too crowded. But, the wait was worth it. Note the 'regular' HUGE rolls in the background. Not sure why they were brought to the table!